Table of Contents
When individuals external to the University need to submit sensitive information to UT, steer clear of using email! For non-UT affiliates who need to send you files of any type, UT Box offers a more secure solution.
Not all types of Confidential (formerly called "Category I") data can be stored on UT Box. Consult our Cloud Services tables for more details. |
This article illustrates one way—using UT Box—to collect files from non-UT affiliates securely. This is by no means the only way to do so. If you have questions about the safety of other possible methods, please contact us.
What is UT Box?
UT Box is a cloud-based file storage solution offered at no cost to all UT Austin faculty, staff, and students. Faculty and staff receive an unlimited storage quota. Files stored on UT Box can be shared both within, and outside of, the University.
Follow the steps in this Box article to start collecting files from non-UT affiliates in a secure manner. You'll need your EID (to log in to Box) and a website (into which you will embed the Box Upload Widget).
If you don't have access to a website on which you can embed the Box Upload Widget, contact your local technical support staff to learn what options you have for departmental web hosting. |
Create a folder
First, you'll create a folder on UT Box into which users will upload their files. To do so, log in to UT Box at and then:
1. Create a new folder by clicking the New menu, then choosing Folder
2. Give your folder a descriptive name and, under Collaboration, choose Keep private for now. Then, click OK
Configure the Box Upload Widget
Next, you'll configure a new Box Upload Widget, the component that will allow non-affiliates to take a file of theirs, and put it in the folder you just created.
Customize the given options to your liking, then select and copy the provided HTML snippet that starts with <script src="""> Do not click Deactivate. If you like, you can choose Preview this widget to see what your widget will look like.
Paste the HTML snippet into the HTML code of your webpage. It will embed a file upload widget into the website.

Provide Web Link to Non-Affiliates
- Provide the URL of the website to the non-affiliates who need to send you files.
- Log in to UT Box and the non-affiliates' uploaded files will be inside the folder. You can view or download the files from there.
Questions about using UT Box?
- Documentation (Information Security Office)
- Documentation (ITS Service Desk)
- Support (ITS Service Desk)
Questions about campus security policy?